April 30, 2009
Special Thanks!!!!
For those of you who dont know about the WDWNT Network, it is a group of websites and podcasts and videos that have daily updates and pics.. Check it out...
WDWNewsToday: http://www.wdwnewstoday.com/
DisneylandNewsToday: http://www.disneylandnewstoday.com/
Your Ear to the World: http://www.youreartotheworld.com/
Disney Pincast: http://www.disneypincast.com/
The first and only podcast for Disney Pin Trading news and information...
Once again thanks and hope you all enjoy...
April 25, 2009
Pin Trading History survey
DHS 20th Anniversary Festitvities
Thought many of you in Orlando or those who will be in WDW on May 1st would like to know about the Disney sponsored Studios 20th Festivities...
First off, at 8:00am they will have a special rope dropping ceremony.
THen, at 9:00am and 10:45am in Premier Theater, will be an Imagineering Talk with WDI Vice President Tom Fitzgerald, and veteran Imagineers Eric Jacobson and Bob Weis. Talking about the concept and development of this little park named Disney's MGM Studios...
Also, several DHS restaurants will be recreating menus from opening in 1989... and at Starring Rolls Cafe they will be selling specail commeorative cupcakes...
Either way this whole 20th Anniversary celebration put on by Disney will be a special one, more then what they did for Epcot at least... I totally wish i could go but i have school... But will be there on May 2nd.
April 22, 2009
Happy 11th!!

This pin was used to commerorate the 1st anniversary of Disneys' Animal Kingdom...
These two pins commorate the 5th anniversary of Disney's Animal
Kingdom in 2003...
Coming Soon to GDPinvestigation are a few things.... Starting within the next couple of days we will start our series on Main Street Electiral Parade.. you chose so we research... Also, next Friday, May 1 will feature the 20th Anniversary of Disney's Hollywood Studios (formally known as Disney's MGM- Studios)... so Stay tuned....
April 18, 2009
Pins of Mysterious Island
There are many pins that symbolize the port of call. All oddly enough feature Donald, maybe he is the unoffical mascot of Mysterious Island?These next few pins feature Mount Promenthus as the icon of the park for various reasons, such as this logo, or the countdown pin of 10 days till opening.
These two pins (to the left and right) feature the Nautilus submarine with the mountain rising out of the top and both are for the attraction of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
These next three pins represent Journey to the Center of the Earth...With various Fab 5 characters inside the attraction Journeying to the Center of the Earth...
This pin if for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea...
This final pin is for the shop in this port of call, Nautilus Gifts, as a part of the Tokyo Pin of the Month series....
Well that is it for this installment of Mysterious ISland... Stay tuned to see what parade you picked... Please place your vote for the poll if you havent, if even if you have feel free to do it again.... Pictures from PinPics.com
April 17, 2009
20,000 Pics

THis final pic sums up the whole attraction with the submarine with key elements of the attraction featured in it, such as the ship graveyard, the treasure, the fish and of course the encounter with the giant squid...

For a video of the queue and attraction of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea at Tokyo DisneySea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsGp92IQCVc
All Pictures courtesy of AllEarNet's Jack Spence, Disneyandmore.blogspot.com and LaughingPlace.com and concept are Copyrighted by DISNEY
April 16, 2009
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

In an unprecedented decision, Captain Nemo has invited the world's scientific community to come to Mysterious Island and share in his discoveries of the countless marvels and mysteries of the ocean's depths. He has announced that his special guests will be permitted to board one of his fleet of submersibles, similar to the Neptune, and join his crew as observers to assist in his research and to share the ocean's majesty.
Moving along, they enter the Dive Hatch Area where they observe that Nemo and his crew are able to don diving suits and enter the ocean directly through a special pressure hatch. It is clear from the missing dive suits in the storage area, and from the seawater and kelp around the hatch, that divers must have recently used the hatch and that their dive is still in progress.
Soon the guests enter the Submarine Docking Port, a rock cavern that has been reinforced by large metal riveted plates. The submersibles are suspended from an overhead conveyor system for loading. They arc attached by large metal hooks that release the vessels into the water. Guests board the six-person submersibles and the conveyor moves them to the ocean's edge to be dropped into the water and begin their dive.
Nemo reminds his guests that the ocean is a vast and wondrous place, but that it is not a domain that can be controlled by man-that man is merely a visitor in the sea. As evidence, guests next encounter a graveyard of lost ships. As they float through the Ship Graveyard, in and out of the wrecks of sunken ships from every era, they observe that all the power and riches the people who piloted these vessels might have possessed or sought, were only destined to become so much junk at the bottom of the sea-a playground for the denizens of the deep. But there is little time to reflect on the irony of man's quest for fame and fortune. Then the porthole shuts and the next thing you see is your submarine getting attacked by a giant squid. After escaping the giant squid your submarine ventures many feet below and discover many things never encountered before such as weird creaturs of Humanoid fish. After adventuring the seas, your submarine returns back to base and you exit.
April 15, 2009
Happy 26th!!!

"To all who come to this happy place, welcome. Here you will discover enchanted lands of Fantasy and Adventure, Yesterday and Tomorrow. May Tokyo Disneyland be an eternal source of joy, laughter, inspiration, and imagination to the peoples of the world. And may this magical kingdom be an enduring symbol of the spirit of cooperation and friendship between the great nations of Japan and the United States of America"

April 14, 2009
Pics of the Center of the Earth

April 13, 2009
Journey to the Center of the Earth

Starting at a leisurely pace, the vehicle enters the beautiful Crystal Cavern, a subterranean cave of colorful crystalline structures, the place is alive with sparkling color reflected and refracted onto the cave walls. Along its route, the vehicle passes through a Giant Mushroom Forest, a strange forest filled with huge. luminous mushrooms and populated by odd colorful creatures, never before seen on the earth. It all seems very wondrous and somehow quite safe until the vehicle travels ever deeper into the center of the earth and comes upon a vast Subterranean Sea. This cavern is vast and dark—so vast that it has developed its own atmosphere.